May 2022 Book Reviews


In May I read a bunch of different genres, with ~you guessed it~ A Court of Wings and Ruin coming in as my favorite for the month.

My least favorite was probably The Last House Guest, but I didn't actually dislike it! It just landed at 3 stars along with another book, and of the two it was my least favorite.

The Last House Guest - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Meet Me in Paradise - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Girls - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Wings and Ruin - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book Lovers - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

These added up to 3,003 pages 😳

Overall I love the mix of genres that I read this month. Having read Meet Me in Paradise and Book Lovers along with a handful of romcoms in April and March, I'm a bit over them for the time being.

Anywho, a good reading month. Excited for what's to come in June!


2022 Goal progress: 31/52


Overall favorite of the month:

A Court of Wings and Ruin



May 2022 reads at a glance

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix


Meet Me in Paradise


The Girls



A Court of Wings and Ruin


The Last House Guest


Book Lovers




Book #1: Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix

Author: J.K. Rowling

Rating: 4/5

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix is the fifth installment in the series. After rumors grow that Voldemort is back, the Order is formed as a means to try and find a way to put an end to everything that’s happening.

Throughout the story, Harry continuously has strange dreams where he feels as though he’s looking through the eyes of someone else. It turns out that these aren’t dreams at all. Rather, the connection between him and Voldemort is allowing him into Voldemort’s brain.

This culminates in a large scene at the end of the story where a deceptive vision brings harry to the Ministry headquarters and he and his friends are forced to fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

This story was really enjoyable to read and kept me hooked despite the 870-page count! Out of the five, Prisoner of Azkaban (book 3) is still my favorite.

You’ll like this if:

You enjoyed the first four in the series, of course.


Book #2: Meet Me in Paradise

Author: Libby Hubscher

Rating: 4/5

This book started in typical rom-com fashion. It took me a few chapters to get into it, as the predictable main-character-keeps-putting-herself-in-embarrassing-situations was kind of annoying. But it got better! After a sister vacation takes an unexpected turn, Marin finds herself in a remote Caribbean island... alone. She later finds out that there's a reason to the madness as the story takes an unexpected and emotional turn.

I really liked the setting of this book and the way the island scenery was described. Though I've given the past few romcoms that I've read 3 stars, I'm rating this one a 4 because of the added depth.


You like a good old-fashioned rom-com with an added emotional element.


Book #3: The Girls

Author: Emma Cline

Rating: 4/5

After reading the cultish book “We Can Only Save Ourselves” back in January, I was in the mood to give another a go! This story by Emma Cline mirrors the Manson cult and the events that took place in August 1969.

It follows the story of Evie as it jumps back and forth from the present day to her teenage years. Evie was fourteen years old when she spotted a few hippie-looking girls in the park and was drawn to their style and the way they carried themselves. After she becomes stranded on the side of the road later in the story, it’s those same girls who offer her a ride. From there, she finds herself at their commune where rules aren’t a thing, the “real world” doesn’t exist, and food and items are come by through theft and deception.

It was a neat read and one that showed just how someone can get sucked into something so dark.

You’ll like this if:

You enjoy cult books, like stories set in the late 60s and early 70s, and want a quick but entertaining read.


Book #4: A Court of Wings and Ruin

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Rating: 5/5

A Court of Wings and Ruin is the third installment in the Sarah J Maas series. After loving books 1 and 2, I was so excited to get into this one. Let me just say, wowwwza. That ending had my blood sugar dropping then leveling then dropping again every 3 paragraphs. The twists felt like whiplash (talking to you, Amren)! But it sure did keep me glued to the book and dying to know how everything would end.

You’ll like this if:

You have read and enjoyed anything else by Sarah J. Maas, love fantasty novels, love a good heroic war story, or simply want to have your eyes glued to a book that will be so intense you won’t be able to look away for the entire 699 pages.


Book #5: The Last House Guest

Author: Megan Miranda

Rating: 3/5

The Last House Guest is a thriller that follows Avery as she manages properties and rental houses in a small New England town set in Maine. After her best friend is mysteriously murdered, she tries to get to the bottom of what happened.

This thriller had good twists and turns and kept me engaged enough that I enjoyed reading it. As key parts of the story were revealed, nothing felt overly groundbreaking or ground shatteringly surprising. I did prefer Megan Miranda’s book “Fragments of the Lost,” and I look forward to reading more of her work!

You’ll like this if:

You enjoy thrillers, mysteries, and good old “who-did-it” stories.


Book #6: Book Lovers

Author: Emily Henry

Rating: 3/5

Book Lovers follows the story of the stereotypical NYC-based workaholic Nora as she takes a much-needed sister vacation to a small outside of Asheville, North Carolina. Throughout her trip, a game put together by her sister Libby ends up becoming much more enjoyable than anticipated.

This is a true rom-com complete with the Hallmark “big city girl and small-town guy” trope.

I wasn’t as in love with this book as I expected, but I didn’t hate it either! It felt very predictable, but it was still enjoyable enough to read.

You’ll like this if:

Books about authors, classic Hallmark movies, or Emily Henry’s book Beach Read.


For more book recommendations and talk about what I’m reading at the moment, add me on Instagram and Goodreads!


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June 2022 Book Reviews


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